Hotel Vouchers & Coupons

Our Best Price Online | FHG Book Direct
10% Discount Coupon

Grab 10% OFF with a minimum stay of three (3) nights on selected offers. Applicable only for bookings made and fully paid online through the FHG Book Direct website.

Discount Coupon PHP125 OFF

Get  ₱125 OFF on selected offers with a minimum stay of one (1) night. Applicable only for bookings made and fully paid online through the FHG Book Direct website.

Discount PHP93 OFF

Get  ₱93 OFF on selected offers with a minimum stay of one (1) night. Applicable only for bookings made and fully paid online through the FHG Book Direct website.

Get Our Best Price Online | Mechanics:

  1. The e-coupon codes are applicable to all FHGBD customers, whether new or returning.
  2. The customer must enter the e-Coupon code during payment check-out to take effect.
  3. The corresponding discount shall be deducted from your bill amount to pay.
  4. The inability to enter the e-coupon code will automatically forfeit and will no longer be applicable after payment is electronically processed.
  5. The e-coupon codes are applicable only for full payment made online through the FHG Book Direct (FHGBD) website.
  6. FHGBD may issue a new e-coupon code as advertised on the website. Stay tuned!